Blessing or Judgment: God's Handwriting Across America After April 8th 2024
A trifecta of three overlapping solar eclipses from 2017, 2023, & 2024 reveals an ancient prophetic message of Jonah with a 40-day warning of judgment or blessing.
Independent reports have been circulating about an extremely rare celestial pattern discovered within a 7-year period from three solar eclipses overlayed across the continent of the United States. It includes the 2nd Great American Solar Eclipse of April 8th, 2024, the 1st Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, and the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 14, 2023.
Seen individually there’s nothing out of the ordinary. However, when grouped and mapped across the entire American continent from end to end the results have astounding implications. This begs the question: What are we seeing and more importantly, what do these signs mean? This is a mystery that the author will attempt to solve by correlating the Sign of Jonah with three ancient kingdoms into a biblical narrative commentary from my studies.
Thanks to a group of independent bible watchers (credits below), some clues have emerged providing the empirical data, which help to form a biblical narrative with an eye-opening conclusion to help our readership.
As a pastor and bible teacher preaching for 24+ years, with 3,000+ expository sermons, weekly bible studies, and serving at an outreach at the U.S. Veteran’s homeless shelter, this is not an ordinary sign. This is a sign of judgment directly from God. Aside from clues observed from natural sciences (i.e., astronomy, physics, math, geometry, etc.), the bible points to the Sign of Jonah and correlates to three historic empires or kingdoms. According to history, Assyria and Babylon, separately and in different periods (or epochs) invaded and destroyed ancient Israel and Judah. But the catalyst that begins the days of trouble with America starts with the Sign of Jonah. Jonah was sent to the ancient city of Nineveh, Assyria with a divine warning of judgment.
This is the hypothesis that the author sees from the studies. It is also parabolic, which contains an element of parables and riddles, adding to the mystery. The author takes zero credit other than writing what the author believes the Holy Spirit is teaching as a student of prophecy.
Assyria at the height of its military and political power was responsible for the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel in 722 BC, and later, the kingdom of Babylon conquered the southern of Judah in 586 BC.
The trifecta of the three overlapping eclipses points not only to a rare astronomical phenomenon but ominous warnings that warrant a closer look. Is this America’s final sign and warning of judgment from God?
Definition of "Trifecta" (paraphrased): A gaming bet in which someone accurately forecasts the first, second, and third racehorses in the exact sequential order. ─Oxford Dictionary
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon:
The Old Testament (OT) book of Daniel chap. 5, portrays the son of King Nebuchadnezzar in a festive mood when he’s abruptly startled by divine handwriting on the wall of the royal palace. His father had long since passed after the Babylonian Empire’s conquest of Judah in 586 BC, which razed and destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the first temple. Belshazzar, the reigning son, and guests were drinking wine from golden vessels (taken from the Temple) when he recoiled in terror at the sight. He summoned his advisors to find someone who could interpret its meaning. After an extensive search, the Hebrew prophet Daniel, was brought before King Belshazzar to interpret its message.
According to The King James Version (KJV) bible, the inscription contained a prophetic sign with a message for the king and a judgment from God. Daniel, in the presence of the royal court of Babylon, began to interpret its meaning:
v.25 MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and UPHARSIN. v.26 “This is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered the days of your reign, and has brought it to an end. v.27 TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting (or lacking); v.28 PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” (Daniel 5: 25-28, NKJV)
The words written by the finger of God, and engraved in upper case were intentional as someone pointing in a threatening and hostile manner amplified derisively. Except this wasn’t anybody, this is the same God that had judged his father earlier in chapter 4. The only other instance where upper case letters are used in the bible, are reserved exclusively for the name of the “LORD”.
Note: After doing further research, there’s another section of the bible that contains upper case words, which will be covered in another article. The identity of Mystery Babylon - you don’t want to miss it.
The words, “MENE, MENE,” is repeated for a double emphasis. The context of the four-worded inscription was God’s sign of contempt amplified exponentially against the leader and ruling class of the kingdom. That night, Babylon was invaded by foreign armies of the Medes and Persians, which is modern Iran today.
Why do I start with this story, and what does it do with America? If you are walking closely with God and are a serious student of the Bible, America’s leadership and its government have walked away from God. The Rule of Law has been replaced by strange politics, extreme activism, gender confusion, race-baited ideology, financial scandals, and wars of aggression, to name a few. We have broken our covenant with God and the Constitution of the U.S. And the most obvious sentiment? Look around. There is no fear of God in the land.
If you’re walking closely with God, you should have nothing to fear, even amid lawlessness and watching end-time events unfolding; knowing that our eternal redemption and rescue are getting closer, culminating in the rapture of believers.
It is the purpose to inform our readership that whether our rescue comes after 40 days, near the Fall season of this year, or maybe next year, we should prepare for turbulent times ahead ─Our hope and prayer is that you will take heed the warnings seriously.
America’s leadership has lost its way years ago by dismissing our Christian heritage which has guided and advanced our progress and prosperity with the bedrock of the U.S. Constitution founded by our forefathers. We have deviated far from our core principles and Christian values, defying God’s moral compass ─ we are spiritually and morally bankrupt, rudderless, and without divine navigation.
Previous posts from 1-6, show incontrovertible proof of astronomical signs signaling that the Lord is preparing to redeem the first group of devout Christian believers. However, starting in this post recent signs have taken an ominous turn. Most Christians are so disconnected from the life of the Divine and unaware of what’s about to happen ─ which is the point of today’s message. Allow me to help our readership understand how and why.
What to Expect in Today’s Post
The coordinated movement in the heavens is signifying that judgment is coming to America within or after a 40-day warning, and thereafter like multiple tsunami waves. The natural order of the universe is sending a “Parabolic” message (expressed as a parable) with a focal point: repent or face judgment; which strongly implies that things will be very disruptive. These signs and its message can only be interpreted correctly and accurately through God’s word the bible. What it also suggests is that God will utilize Old Testament (OT) style of punishments; in other words its going to be biblical, and that’s when you’ll know the Age of Grace is over.
In another installment there is absolute proof that the bible is 100% accurate; so accurate that it defies the statistical odds. In fact, the author has come to the conclusion that the statistical odds are “infinite” because it was inspired by the Spirit of God revealed in the Father, Jesus (the Son), and the Holy Spirit. The proof is highly accurate mathematically and statistically proven, which is coming soon.
Path of the Great American Solar Eclipse
The Gospel of Luke states: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity (a state of chaos/confusion), the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 21:25; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24-25
The astrological conjunctions of the sun, moon, planetary alignments, the stars, and the constellations, are beyond man’s technical and scientific prowess and ability to manipulate or control.
You’ll discover a macro view from space with supernatural alignments of God’s power and design. And he is sending a strong message. This celestial trifecta includes the 2nd Great American Solar Eclipse, and two previous eclipses (2017 & 2023) that form a three-way crisscross-shaped pattern. When observed from space (Image-3 below) it shows an unmistakable sign written in ancient Paleo-Hebrew. Lets go over some specifics that form the hypothesis. On April 8th, the ecliptic path crossed from Mexico into Texas, and passed over multiple states until it exited Maine and Nova Scotia, Canada. Here’s a list of signs and patterns.
I. The Sign of Jonah
The ecliptic shadow passed over eleven (11) towns/counties named Ninevah as a reference to the ancient Mesopotamian city of Ninevah/Nineveh, when God warned through the Prophet Jonah. “Nineveh” is mentioned (17) times in the OT/NT (Old & New Testament) and (8) times in the book of Jonah 1-3. “Jonah” in Hebrew means “dove” or emissary of peace; and the family name, “Amittai” in Hebrew means “truth-telling”. (God’s representatives are emissaries of peace and always speak the truth).
Jonah despised the Assyrians and then disobeyed God by fleeing on a ship headed in the opposite direction until it got caught in a huge typhoon. The crew fearing the ship’s about to capsize, drew lots until they discovered Jonah was responsible and had him thrown off. He gets swallowed up by a whale and spends three days and three nights repenting until it vomits Jonah towards the direction of Nineveh. The scribes and Pharisees familiar with the story believed Jonah was a myth ─but Jesus refuted them by pointing to Jonah as a metaphor for his crucifixion, death, and burial at the Cross.
In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 12, the scribes and Pharisees provoked the Son of God and wanted to see a sign as proof of divinity. Jesus replied,
v.39 “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. v.40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three nights and three days in the heart of the earth (hinting about his death and burial).
v.41 The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here (speaking of himself as God’s only begotten Son).
Jesus Confirmed Jonah’s Existence:
Jesus validated the existence of Jonah, and his veiled reference to his death, burial, and resurrection testified about his relationship to God the Father, who had sent him as an emissary of peace. The fact that (11) Ninevah/Nineveh shows up is a prophetic message for our generation. The irony is that most Christians do not believe Jesus is coming in our lifetime nor believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. We are a tiny, minority of devoted Christians who do believe, that only time will prove otherwise.
Forty-Day Warning of Repentance:
Jonah 3:4, “And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty (40) days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. v.5 So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them… v.8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands. v.9 Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not? v.10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.” (Jonah chapter 1-3)
The Point of the Parable?
The point of the story is that as God sent Jonah to warn Ninevah, with an ultimatum, we have someone with even greater authority who is warning America ─And that message is coming directly from God himself!
Jonah warned Nineveh to repent or be wiped off the face of the earth. Surprisingly, they repented and were spared from destruction. It is the only time God had sent a prophet to warn a heathen nation of destruction, whereas, in contrast to God’s people, they refused to repent after repeated warnings from the prophets; they even killed some prophets because they didn’t like the message.
The irony is that as God spared the Ninevites because they repented, they became the hammer of God to punish Israel (the northern territory of Samaria) and wiped them off the map in 722 BC, the same Assyrian Empire that he spared in the book of Jonah!
II: Ancient Nineveh & Modern Ninevah (Duality Types)
The eclipse passed over (9) towns/counties in America, and (2) additional towns in Nova Scotia, with a total of (11). In numerical terms: “11” is a number for judgment. Source: Author Michael Snyder wrote numerous articles but one in particular outlined the counties named after Ninevah/Nineveh.
1. Texas, Leon County
2. Missouri, Adair County
3. Indiana, Johnson County
4. Ohio, Darke County
5. Pennsylvania, Greene County
6. Pennsylvania, Clarion County
7. Virginia, Warren County
8. New York, Broome County
9. Kentucky, Anderson County
10. Nova Scotia, Lunenburg
11. Nova Scotia, Victoria County
III. Giant Crosses & (X) Shaped Patterns
Here’s where it gets more interesting.
There’s a silhouette of a giant metallic cross in Texas with a height of 77 feet, 7 inches (777) known as the “Empty Cross” at the “The Coming King Foundation” featuring a sculpture prayer garden located in Kerrville, Texas. Following the path heading northeast further up in southern Illinois is the Bald Knob Cross of Peace in Alto Pass, Illinois, towering 111 feet. The (X) location has a town named “Little Egypt” where a major fault is called the New Madrid Fault Zone.
The Bible contains many hidden types and shadows, some are obvious others are not, that simulate patterns where history repeats itself. The people of ancient Israel were slaves in Egypt where Moses was chosen by God to lead them into the Promised Land.
Little Egypt and the eleven (11) Ninevahs are biblical types in a literary sense. But there are two major intersecting points featuring giant crosses: One in Texas from the Annular Eclipse on October 14, 2023, intersecting GASE2 on April 8th. Then another from the GASE1 on October 2017 intersects with the GASE2 on April 8th, illustrating duality and dual emphasis. Plus, a topical map shows (3X) crosses from space!
IV. The Devil Comet 12P/Pons (12P)
There’s an incoming comet (12P) named the “Devil’s Comet” due to its wide-angled vaporized ice and gas emitting from its tail. It should be near the GASE2; someone said it may cross the path of the eclipse and can be seen from Earth. A Devil Comet. Coincidence or luck?
V. The New Madrid Fault Zone
Focusing on just the April 8th eclipse the path of totality where the (X) rests is directly over the New Madrid Fault Zone which had one of the largest earthquakes in American history according to Wikipedia: it registered 7.2─8.2 magnitude with over 2,000 aftershocks in 1811─1812. It occurred 90 days after the passage of two (X) eclipses. It created chaos and destruction destroying cities, towns, houses, and buildings in a wide swath of devastating destruction, even reversing the mighty Mississippi River flowing in the wrong direction!
VI. Planetary Alignments
In Jerusalem looking eastward in the early sunrise, the sun, moon, and 7 planets form a planetary alignment in a straight line (discovered by Rachel Baxter) in our solar system. Rachel inquired ChatGPT, what the odds of that happening; and the answer was one in 32 million odds. The following day after April 8th is followed by 1 Nissan, the first day of the first month in the Hebrew calendar.
VII. The Greek Alphabet: “Alpha & Omega”
and its Correlation to the Hebrew Alphabet: “Alef & Tav”
In the book of Revelation, Jesus said three times, (Revelation 1:8)
“I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord…”
(Revelation 21:6)
“I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.”
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”
(Revelation 22:13, KJV)
Finally, a macro view of the trifecta contains the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the Alef and Tav. The Alef and Tav are encoded and embedded in the trifecta (X) pattern. That pattern is unmistakably the signature of the LORD, the God of heaven and earth as revealed in the book of Genesis, John, Philippians, and the book of Hebrews (NT) where God has firmly planted his seal and signature across America.

The original first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet were written in Paleo-Hebrew glyphs (glyphs is an ancient letter-picture) and in the photo below the Alef and Tav are superimposed across the entire continent. That rendering is God’s signature which authenticates the core message embodied in the trifecta (3X) eclipses. It also confirms my original supposition that America is the spiritual, physical, and modern entity of ancient Israel, which embodied the northern territory and capital of Samaria, which seceded from Judah after the death of King Solomon.
It is also why I started this article with an introduction to Babylon’s destruction by the Assyrian Empire. If there’s any doubt about America being modern Israel, the image below should settle this issue once and for all. No more guessing or theorizing ─ the hand of God has written his divine finger across the entire continent from one end to the other.
Natural Disasters: 3 Major Fault Lines
Notice the Cascadian Subduction Zone in the upper northwest. Then the New Madrid Fault Zone in the eastern-central on the right. Then the Balcones Fault Line in the South. The Hebrew letters of Alef and Tav (the First & Last) are clearly hovering over and exposing earthquake zones which strongly suggests judgment is coming.
VIII. America’s Forty (40) Days of Repentance or Judgment
There are more patterns, junctions, intersects, and correlations but there are more than enough data points about what you need to do. These signs strongly imply judgment is coming to America and Israel. A lot of people will dismiss this as nonsense. It is not my responsibility to force you to believe anything, my purpose and responsibility is to inform and teach.
As for me and my house, we will obey and choose the LORD God as our first and only choice to preserve the life and welfare of our family and hopefully, the lives of many other families who need this message.
Much Love & Aloha!
Gary & Risa Crowell
Retired Pastor/Bible Teacher
Coram Deo Hawai’i